Friday, December 01, 2006

My 1st thanksgiving!

In anticipation of thanksgiving, i figured i'd give solid food a try! i'm ready for tofurky!

Nanny and Grampy came a couple days before thanksgiving so they could play with me lots!

The whole Halpin gang came over for thanksgiving at our house!

I got to play with my cousin gage who tells me i'll have a new girl cousin real soon! i'm psyched!

I slept through the whole dinner part - they told me everything was yummy!

The next day we did it all over again at Grandmom's house! I got to see Grandmom, Grampa Steve, Aunt Mary Beth and Cool Aunt Ryann!!! I had the bestest Thanksgiving ever! Mommy and Daddy tell me it's Christmas time now and they put up all this cool new stuff to look at...I can't wait to find out what all the fuss is about! They even made me sit on some fat dude in a red suit's lap...not sure what that was all about...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Carter's 1st Halloween, etc

This month I went to visit Aunt Mary Beth in LBI, it was the first time I got to see the ocean. Mom and dad told me people usually go when it's warm and sunny, but that since we tend to burn and don't like crowds, this was more fun!

We even ate at the famous "Chegg" where cool aunt ryann used to work every summer!

Earlier in the month we visited with Uncle Kevin, Aunt Di and Cousin Gage! Uncle Chris was there too and of course Nanny and Grampy! Uncle Kevin taught me how to fly like Gage does...but I was just trying to watch the Eagles game.

Probably the biggest event of the month was that I started at Daycare now that Daddy is back to work...I really miss being home with mom and dad, but I'm having tons of fun with the other kids at Daycare!

Today we carved my first ever Pumpkin; I'm really excited for halloween. Mom and Dad did a nice job on the pumpkin while I supervised. It looks great from the street if I do say so myself!

I'm gonna be a Pea pod for Halloween! I love the costume, I especially like pulling the peas off!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Carter 4 months +

silly carter @ 4 months

Looking at that crazy light thingy

carter looking even more like his old man

carter's and his sometime best bud the dragon sharing a laugh

here's one for the ladies - check out my guns in the bath

uncle chris being silly at the changing table

carter with uncle chris at his 1st ever breakfast at nudy's diner in strafford!

sweet custom knit hat by aunt laura

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weeks 13-15

Hanging out with my two uncles, aunt, and cousin Gage.

Gage was tickling and smelling my feet!

Playing on my mat!

Thanks, Aunt Marie, for these cool Maine socks!

Hanging out with Mommy!

Kissing cousins!

I'm enjoying tummy time much more now!

Me and Daddy watching Storm Ernesto.

I'm giggling now, too!

Hanging out in the "man lair" - Touch down EAGLES!!!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

To Grandmother's House We Go!

Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding, so I got to stay with Grandmom and Grandpa Steve for the evening - what fun!

Check out the cool threads from SoHo!

Dinner time with Grandmom

Smiling for the camera!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Weeks 10-12

Nap time with Daddy

Playing with Aunt Ryann

More nap time with Daddy!