Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Carter's First Birthday

Me on my 1st birthday eating bananas - my favorite
Everyone came over to help celebrate - this is my Aunt Mary Beth
Hanging out with my birth date buddy, Grandpa Steve

I chased Aunt Ryann all over the yard!

Grandmom and Grandpa got me this cool water and sand table!

I thought it came with some chocolate too!

Enjoying the great day with my parents

Exploring my back yard - just a little dirt!

More of Carter's First Birthday

Hey Lady, outta my seat!

The Birthday Boy, formally known as Prince

Me and my Mommy

It was Uncle Chris' birthday too!

Carter's First Birthday

Chris, how come I got one candle and you got a bunch?

I don't know how to blow yet - can you help me out?

Testing out what a cupcake feels like.

Working off my cupcake!

Carter's First Birthday

Playing in the grass with my dad

Thanks for the cool xylophone granny and grampy

Yippee, it's my birthday!