Friday, December 01, 2006

My 1st thanksgiving!

In anticipation of thanksgiving, i figured i'd give solid food a try! i'm ready for tofurky!

Nanny and Grampy came a couple days before thanksgiving so they could play with me lots!

The whole Halpin gang came over for thanksgiving at our house!

I got to play with my cousin gage who tells me i'll have a new girl cousin real soon! i'm psyched!

I slept through the whole dinner part - they told me everything was yummy!

The next day we did it all over again at Grandmom's house! I got to see Grandmom, Grampa Steve, Aunt Mary Beth and Cool Aunt Ryann!!! I had the bestest Thanksgiving ever! Mommy and Daddy tell me it's Christmas time now and they put up all this cool new stuff to look at...I can't wait to find out what all the fuss is about! They even made me sit on some fat dude in a red suit's lap...not sure what that was all about...