Friday, September 26, 2008

More Beach Pics

Grandmom, me and Daddy

Whoops, this stuff is hard to walk on! Very windy too!

Run, "Ganmom," Run!

The sand is fun to throw! The adults didn't like it, tho.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Final Summer Weekend 2008!

When we got to the beach the first time I was simply
overwhelmed at the amazing ocean. Grandmom thought I
would be scared but I actually pulled HER in. Here I am
checking it out with my Dad!

The water was actually warmer than the air~

Whoops, I got a little wet - don't tell my Mom!
But I already had a cold, so it was ok!

Aunt Mary Beth taught me the finer points of building
a sand castle. Daddy filled in all of the architectual details!
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Lazy Days of Summer

The weather wasn't so great the first day - but
I managed to enjoy the beach with my Aunt Mary Beth anyway!

It happened to be high tide when we got to the beach -
that's why we are all the way up near the dunes!
Daddy couldn't believe that the water could come
up so far on the beach!

It turns out - when you come home from the beach,
they force you under running water to try and remove
the sand - I didn't care for that too much, but
then they fed me at a table outside and that was ok!

Then Dad and I just chilled out with my (Elmo) laptop and a DVD -
perfect weekend!

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My First Triathalon

We had a big surprise this weekend - Beach Haven hosted a
sanctioned Triathalon. The racers started two blocks from our house,
jumped in the ocean and swam a 1/4 mile, then
ran to the school across the street from us (barefoot down the street - ouch!) and rode their bikes for 8 miles,
came back, dropped off their bikes and ran the rest of the race with a big finish back
at the school - it was very cool!

We could see the whole race from Aunt MB's front steps
and the weather was PERFECT!
We walked up to the beach to see the swimming
then we sat here and cheered as the bikers rode past our house
and then when the runners finished the race.

Daddy was reading the paper - about the Phillies WIN
while we watched the race

There were tons and tons of people - here is a shot at what we
were looking at from the front steps. Notice the goreous sky!
(Aunt MB was just a little mad
that they started playing music very loudly at 5AM today!)

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Beach Haven 2008

This is great - I love the beach!

I couldn't stop staring at the vast ocean - it was amazing!

Here is a shot at what I was staring at! I loved it!
Thanks, Aunt MB - I had the best weekend!

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